Inside Domestic Space
Inside Public Space
Interior of the Pool
Floor & Wall Tile
Wear Resistant
Resistant to Stains
Fire Resistant
Unalterable Colors
Easy to Clean
Resistant to chemicals
Stripe resistant
20x20 · 8"x8"
Legal warning
General information
The owner of the web site website is MANUFACTURA INDUSTRIAL AZULEJERA, S.L., with NIF B12008397 and address at Calle Camino TRAVESSA, 17, 12540, Vila-Real, (Castellón). The entity is registered in the Mercantile Register with the following registration data: Registered in the Mercantile Register of Castellón, on 31-3-64, in volume 39, book 11, Secc.2ª, Folio 10, Sheet 214-1ª.
With the intention that the use of the website is adjusted to criteria of transparency, clarity and simplicity, MANUFACTURA INDUSTRIAL AZULEJERA, S.L. informs the user that any suggestion, doubt or query about this Legal Notice or any other informative document of the website will be received and solved by contacting MANUFACTURA INDUSTRIAL AZULEJERA, S.L., through the e-mail address:
All content displayed on this website, and especially designs, texts, images, logos, icons, trade names, trademarks or any other information susceptible of industrial and / or commercial use are protected by the corresponding copyright, not allowing its reproduction, transmission or registration of information unless prior authorization of the owner, MANUFACTURA INDUSTRIAL AZULEJERA, SL. However, users may use information provided to manage their orders and the corresponding contact information.
MANUFACTURA INDUSTRIAL AZULEJERA, S.L. does not assume any responsibility for links to other sites or web pages that, may be included in it, since it has no control over them, so that the user accesses under his/her sole responsibility to the content and conditions of use of that site.
Bienvenido/a a nuestro sistema interno de información de irregularidades
En el presente canal podrá comunicar cualquier presunta irregularidad o acto contrario a la legalidad vigente, o a las normas internas de las que tengan conocimiento. A continuación se expresa nuestra estrategia en materia del Sistema Interno de Información y defensa del informante.
Principios del sistema interno de información
La gestión del sistema interno de información se basa en los siguientes principios:
Condiciones para acogerse a este canal
Podrán acogerse a este canal todas aquellas personas que tienen vínculos profesionales o laborales con esta entidad, y también aquéllas que ya han finalizado su relación profesional, o sean becarias, voluntarias, desarrollen trabajos en prácticas o en período de formación, e incluso personas que participan en procesos de selección; o personal de contratistas y colaboradores, entre otros.
Datos de contacto del canal
Desde esta sección puede localizar los medios de contacto para presentar una denuncia:
Cómo se gestionan las denuncias
De forma resumida, una vez recibida la denuncia, la compañía llevará a cabo una evaluación inicial de la misma para determinar si es apta para ser gestionada a través de este canal. En caso de rechazo, el informante será informado. En caso de admisión, el informante será informado y comenzará la investigación interna. Le informaremos sobre el modo en que se ha gestionado y resuelto su caso en un plazo máximo de 90 días. Durante este tiempo, tanto el informante como la compañía podrán intercambiar información del caso. Todas las partes interesadas serán notificadas con las conclusiones finales, dentro de los plazos que establece la Ley.
Confidencialidad de las comunicaciones
Todo el intercambio de información realizado entre el informante y la entidad es confidencial, y se garantizan comunicaciones seguras durante todo el proceso.
Denuncias externas
También es posible denunciar una mala conducta de forma externa a un organismo competente (nacional o autonómico) que pueda recibir y proporcionar información. Puede encontrar información de contacto para cada país, en su autoridad competente, típicamente, en la sección de denuncias externas.
Mantendrá su anonimato completamente al enviar una denuncia, a menos que proporcione información personal voluntariamente. No es obligatorio proporcionar ninguna información personal.
Buena fe
El principio de buena fe presupone la actuación de forma diligente y responsable del denunciante, así como que su denuncia se basa en hechos verídicos que demuestran un comportamiento irregular, ilícito, delictivo o contrario a las normas internas de la organización. El uso indebido de esta herramienta (por ejemplo, registrando denuncias falsas) podrá conllevar medidas disciplinarias y de índole legal contra el denunciante.
Protección del denunciante
Además del anonimato y la confidencialidad, la organización garantiza durante todo el proceso la protección de los derechos del denunciante.
Protección del denunciado
Del mismo modo, se garantizará el derecho a la intimidad, a la presunción de inocencia y la defensa de las personas objeto de la denuncia, facilitándoles la información mínima y suficiente que le permita conocer los hechos que se le imputan.
Marco normativo
Todo el proceso de notificación, gestión y resolución de la denuncia presentada se rige por la Ley 2/2023, de 20 de febrero, reguladora de la protección de las personas que informen sobre infracciones normativas y de lucha contra la corrupción, y por la Ley Orgánica 3/2018, de 5 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos Personales y garantía de los derechos digitales.
Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy has been developed taking into account the provisions of the Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data in force, as well as by Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the council of April 27, 2016 relating to the Protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the circulation of these data, hereinafter RGPD.
This Privacy Policy is intended to inform the owners of personal data, which information is being collected, specific aspects relating to the processing of their data, among other things, the purposes of the treatments, contact information to exercise the rights that assist him, the terms of conservation of information and security measures among others.
Responsible for the Treatment
In terms of data protection, MANUFACTURA INDUSTRIAL AZULEJERA, S.L., should be considered as Responsible for the Treatment, in relation to the files / treatments identified in this policy, specifically in the Data Treatments section.
The following are the identifying details of the owner of this website:
Person in charge of the Treatment: MANUFACTURA INDUSTRIAL AZULEJERA, S.L.
Postal mail address: Camino TRAVESSA, 17, 12540, Vila-Real, (Castellón).
Electronic/E-mail address:
Data treatment
The personal data requested, when appropriate, will consist only of those strictly necessary to identify and respond to the request made by the owner, hereinafter the interested party. This information will be treated in a fair, lawful and transparent manner in relation to the interested party. On the other hand, the personal data will be collected for explicit and legitimate purposes, not being further processed in a manner incompatible with the already stated purposes.
The data collected from each user will be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the corresponding purposes for each case, and will be updated whenever necessary.
The owner of the data will be informed, prior to the collection of their data, of the general ends regulated in this policy in order to be able to give the express, precise and unequivocal consent for the processing of their data, in accordance with the following aspects.
Purposes of the treatment.
Explicit purposes for each of the treatments carried out are introduced in the informative clauses included in each of the data collection channels (web forms, paper forms, locutions or posters and informative notes).
No obstante, los datos de carácter personal del interesado serán tratados con la exclusiva finalidad de proporcionarles una respuesta efectiva y atender las solicitudes practicadas por el usuario, especificadas junto a la opción, servicio, formulario o sistema de toma de datos que el titular utilice.
As a general rule, prior to the processing of personal data, MANUFACTURA INDUSTRIAL AZULEJERA, S.L. obtains express and unequivocal consent from the owner thereof, through the incorporation of informed consent clauses in the different information collection systems.
However, in case the consent of the interested party is not required, the legitimating basis of the treatment in which MANUFACTURA INDUSTRIAL AZULEJERA, S.L. is protected, it is the existence of a specific law or norm that authorizes or demands the treatment of the interested party's data.
As a general rule, MANUFACTURA INDUSTRIAL AZULEJERA, S.L. does not proceed to the cession or communication of the data to third parties, except those legally required, however, if necessary, such cessions or data communications are informed to the interested party through the informed consent clauses contained in the different ways of collecting personal data.
As a general rule, personal data are always collected directly from the interested party, however, in certain exceptions, the data may be collected through third parties, entities or services different from the interested party. In this sense, this end will be transferred to the interested party through the clauses of informed consent contained in the different ways of collecting information and within a reasonable time, once the data have been obtained, and at the latest within a month.
Conservation deadlines
The information collected from the interested party will be kept as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which the personal data were collected, so that, once the purpose has been fulfilled, the data will be cancelled. Such cancellation will result in the blocking of the data being kept only available to the Public Administrations, Judges and Courts, to attend to the possible responsibilities arising from the treatment, during the limitation period of these, once the aforementioned period has elapsed, the information will be destroyed.
For information purposes, the following are the legal terms for the conservation of information in relation to different matters:
Documentation of labour nature or related to social security | 4 years | Article 21 of Royal Legislative Decree 5/2000, of August 4, approving the revised text of the Law on Infractions and Sanctions in the Social Order |
Accounting and tax documentation for mercantile purposes | 6 years | Art. 30 Commerce Code |
Accounting and tax documentation for taxation purposes | 4 years | Articles 66 a 70 General Tax Law |
Control of access to buildings | 1 month | AEPD Instruction 1/1996 |
Video surveillance | 1 month | Instrucción 1/2006 de la AEPD Ley Orgánica 4/1997 |
Navigation data.
In relation to the navigation data that can be processed through the website, in case of data collected subject to regulations, it is recommended to consult the Cookies Policy published on our website.
Rights of the interested parties.
The regulations on data protection grant a series of rights to the interested parties or owners of the data, users of the website or users of the profiles of the social networks of MANUFACTURA INDUSTRIAL AZULEJERA, S.L..
These rights that assist the interested persons are the following:
Interested parties may exercise the indicated rights, by writing to MANUFACTURA INDUSTRIAL AZULEJERA, S.L., by writing, sent to the following address: Camino TRAVESSA, 17 12540 Vila-Real (Castellón) indicating in the subject line the right you wish to exercise.
In this sense, MANUFACTURA INDUSTRIAL AZULEJERA, S.L. will respond to your request as soon as possible and taking into account the deadlines provided in the regulations on data protection.
Security measures adopted by MANUFACTURA INDUSTRIAL AZULEJERA, S.L. are those required, in accordance with the provisions of article 32 of the RGPD. In this sense, MANUFACTURA INDUSTRIAL AZULEJERA, SL, taking into account the state of the art, the costs of application and the nature, scope, context and purposes of the treatment, as well as the risks of probability and severity variables for the rights and the freedom of individuals, has established the appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee the level of security appropriate to the existing risks.
In any case, MANUFACTURA INDUSTRIAL AZULEJERA, S.L. has enough mechanisms in place to: